Tag brothers and sisters in Christ

Sinner Saved By Grace?

Sinner saved by grace is a phrase I’ve heard my brothers and sisters in Christ describe themselves as. And quite frankly I’ve never understood it. It’s like describing yourself as being clothed and naked at the same time. Someone who was once a sinner, but who has been saved by grace is no longer a sinner. Once born again the bible calls us the righteousness of God in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:21). So if you’re a sinner, I would encourage you to join the family of God! Become a new creature in Christ Jesus (Romans 10:9-10). If you’re a Christian, identify yourself with Christ and understand that it’s impossible to be a sinner saved by grace.

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Conditional Faith

Conditional faith is faith based on circumstances. It’s faith based on the outcome or the result of something. Many times we see our brothers and sisters in Christ fall away from the things of God when a loved one is lost in a way that doesn’t make sense to us. When we have no answers to why things happen the way they many times do, it’s easy to lose hope and fall away from the faith. However the greatest opportunity to exercise our faith and trust in God is when we don’t understand the “whys” of life. Be encouraged. Trust that there is a bigger picture that you can’t see. Trust that there is a “why”. And knowing why is not your right. At least not right now.

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